
(西オンタリオ大学 ジョー・カミンズ教授論文より引用: 河田昌東)


1        Mark EJ, Lorrilon O, .Boulben S, Hureau D,
 Durrand G and Belle R. Pesticide roundup provokes cell cycle dysfunction at the level of CDK1/Cyclin B activation" Chem Res. Toxicol 2002, 15, 326-31. (ラウンドアップは細胞分裂を妨害)

  1. Walsh L, McCormick C, Martin C and Stocco D. 
    Roundup inhibits steroidogenesis by disrupting steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression" Envir Health Perspectives 2000, 108,769-76. (ラウンドアップはステロイド合成を阻害)

  2. Arbuckle T, Lin Z, and Mery L             
    An exploratory analysis of the effect of pesticide exposure on the risk of spontaneous abortion in an Ontario farm population" Envir Health Perspectives 2001, 109,851-60. (オンタリオ農場でラウンドアップによる流産のリスクの予備的分析)

  3. Peluso M, Munnia A, Bolognisi C and Parodi S.
    P32-Postlabeling detection of DNA adducts in mice treated with the herbicide roundup. Environmental and Mol. Mutagenesis 1998, 31, 55-9. (ラウンドアップによるマウスへのDNA付加による遺伝子の損傷)

  4. Lioi M, Scarfi M, Santoro A, Barbeiri R, Zeni O, Barardino D and Ursini M. Genotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by pesticide exposure in bovine lymphocyte cultures in vitro. Mut Res 1998, 403,13-20. (ラウンドアップによる牛の培養リンパ球の染色体異常と遺伝毒性)

  5. Daruich J, Zirulnik F and Gimenez M.
    Effect of the herbicide glyphosate on enzymatic activity in pregnant rats and their fetuses" Environ Res 2001, Section A85, 226-31. (妊娠ラットと胎児の酵素活性へをグリフォサートが阻害)

  6. Szarek J, Siwicki A, Andrzewska A, Terech-Majeska E and Banaszkiewicz T.
    Effect of the herbicide roundup on the ultrastructural pattern of hepatocytes in carp. Marine Envir Res 2000, 50,263-66.(鯉の肝臓細胞をラウンドアップが破壊)
  7. Grisolia C.
    A comparison between mouse and fish micronucleus test using cyclophosphamide, mitomycin C and various pesticides" 2002 Mut Res 2002, 400, 474,1-6. (グリフォサートが魚の肝臓細胞に微小核を増加:遺伝毒性の可能性)

  8. Clements C, Rapph S and Petras M.
    Genotoxicity of select herbicides in Rana catesbeiana tadpoles using the alkaline single-cell gel DNA electrophoresis (comet) assay. Eniv Mol.Mutagenesis 29,277-88. (グリフォサートがオタマジャクシに遺伝毒性)

  9. Mann R and Bidwell J.
    The toxicity of glyphosate and several glyphosate formulations to four species of southwestern Australian frogs" Archives of Environ Contam Toxicol 1999,36,193-99 (オーストラリアの4種の蛙にグリフォサートが毒性)

  10. Smith G.
     Effect of acute exposure to a commercial formulation of glyphosate on the tadpole of two species of anurans" 2001 Bull EnvirContam Toxicol 2001, 67,483-8. (2種類の蛙のオタマジャクシに対するグリフォサートの急性毒性)

  11. Tate T, Spurlock J and Christian F.
    Effect of glyphosate on the development of Pseudosuccinea columella snails" 1997 Arch Envir Contam Toxicol 1997, 33,286-89. (グリフォサートで淡水産巻貝の奇形。人に感染性獲得)

  12. Morowati M.
    Histochemiccal and histopathological study of the intestine of the earthworm exposed to a field dose of the herbicide glyphosate" 2000 The Environmentalist 2000, 20,105-11.(グリフォサートの通常散布濃度でミミズが50%死亡。生き残ったものも腸の組織に異常)



  1. Simard M, Legere A, Pageau D, Lajeunesse J and Warick S.
    The frequency and persistence of volunteer canola in Quebec cropping systems. Weed Technology 2002, 16,433-9 (カナダで複数の除草剤耐性雑草発生の危険)

  2. Hall L, Topinka K, Huffman J, Davis L and Good A.
    Pollen flow between herbicide resistant Brassica napus is the cause of multiple resistant B. napus volunteers" Weed Science 2000, 48,688-94. (除草剤耐性ナタネの花粉が野生種の多剤耐性発生の原因)

  3. "Keep your distance" Andy Coghlan, New scientist Nov.24, 2001.

  4. Widhoma M, Chinnalaal J, Ryua J, Songa H, Eggetta T and Brothertona J. Glyphosate selection of gene amplification in suspension cultures of 3 plant species Physiologia Planterium 2001, 112,540-5. (ラウンドアップ耐性のアルファルファや大豆に繰り返しグリフォサートを散布すると、標的遺伝子(EPSPS)が増幅される)

  5. King C, Purcell L and Vories E.
    Plant growth and nitrognease activity of glyphosate tolerant soybean in response to foliar glyphosate applications. Agron. J 2001, 93,179-86. (ラウンドアップで根粒菌など土壌細菌が減り、大豆などの窒素供給が減少)

  6. Pline W, Wu J and Hatzios K.
    Effect of temperature and chemical additives on the response of transgenic herbicide resistant soybean to glufosinate and glyphosate applications. Pesticide Biochem and Physiology 1999 65,119-31.(ラウンドアップ耐性大豆は35度C以上で グリフォサートを散布すると成長点組織に損傷。ラウンドアップの組織内輸送が増加するため)

  7. Matarczyk J, Willis A, Vranjic J and Ash J.
    Herbicides, weeds and endangered species: management of bitou bush with glyphosate and impact on the endangered shrub, Pimlea spicata Biological Conservation 2001, (in press). (絶滅危惧生物がラウンドアップで危機に)        
  8. Newmaster S, Bell F and Vitt D.
    The effect of glyphosate and triclopyr on common bryophytes and lichens in northwest Ontario. Can J For.Res. 1999, 29,1101-11. (カナダの森林でグリフォサートによる除草によりコケ類や地衣類が激減)

  9. Descalzo R, Punja Z, Levesque A and Rahe J.
    Glyphosate treatment of bean seedlings causes short term increases in Pytheium populations and dampening off potential in soils Applied Soil Ecology1998, 8, 25-33. (グリフォサート散布で一時的に土壌中にPytheium(腐敗カビ)が増加、土壌の健全性を阻害)

  10. Paveglio F and Kilbride,K
     "Long term fate of glyphosate associated with repeated rodeo applications to control smooth coolgrass in Willipa Bay, Washington. Arch Environ Contam Toxicology 2001, 40, 179-83(湖畔の雑草防除に繰り返しグリフォサートを散布し思わぬ副作用。土壌中のグリフォサートは大幅に減ったが雑草の地下茎に591%蓄積).

  11. Smith N, Martin R and St Croix R.
     Levels of the herbicide glyphosate in well water. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 1996, 57,759-65.(グリフォサート散布地の周辺で、土壌や井戸水にグリフォサート検出)


